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Moccamaster Batch Brew Coffee Brewing Guide

The Moccamaster brewing method is ideal for making larger quantities of coffee quickly and easily. It's known for its convenience and ability to produce consistently delicious coffee.

Moccamaster Batch Brew Coffee Brewing Guide

The Moccamaster brewing method is ideal for making larger quantities of coffee quickly and easily. It's known for its convenience and ability to produce consistently delicious coffee.

Watch our video tutorial, or scroll down for step by step instructions. Enjoy!


What You'll Need

Good To Have:

Starting Out

  • Dose: 60g of coffee per 1L of water
  • Grind: Coarse
  • Brew Time: 4-5 minutes

Step 1

Place a paper filter in the basket of the Moccamaster and rinse it with hot water to remove any paper residue.

Step 2

Weigh out 60g of coffee and grind to coarse.

Step 3

Add the coffee grounds into the filter, ensuring even distribution.

Step 4

Open the valve on the coffee maker (set it to the open position).

Step 5

Fill the water tank with the appropriate amount of water for the desired number of cups.

Step 6

Turn on the coffee maker to start the brewing process.

Step 7

After 4-5 minutes or when all water has dripped through, pour and enjoy!

Our Brewing Tips

  • If the coffee tastes too sour or acidic, try using a finer grind size.
  • If the coffee tastes flat or bitter, try using a coarser grind size.
  • If you prefer a stronger extraction, you can gently agitate the coffee bed within the first minute of brewing.
  • Leaving the pot on the heating plate will keep the coffee warmer, but it may cause the coffee to taste stale more quickly - so, it is recommended to leave it on the heating plate for a maximum of 30 minutes.
  • Monitor the extraction process closely, as using a too fine grind or too much coffee can cause the coffee bed to block and result in overflowing.


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