We're lucky enough to spend all day, every day tasting and talking about delicious coffees from around the world. To celebrate International Coffee Day, we're sharing our favourite brews of the moment - from our signature blends, to our Ethiopian filter single origins, and our freshly brewed cold brew in a can.
Wherever you are today, we hope you take the chance to enjoy a delicious coffee yourself!
What We're Drinking on International Coffee Day

Rafael - Roaster, Industry Beans Newstead
I can't go past our Newstead Blend - it's a classic and mature blend composed of 2 coffees, coming from classic coffee producer countries: Ethiopia and Brazil.
The flavour notes are easily identified through the first sip - Blueberries, Cacao and Hazelnut make this coffee perfect with milk and rich as espresso.
The best way of enjoying our Newstead blend is as an espresso - and it does not require fancy or miraculous recipes to extract all those beautiful flavours from the coffee. A simple recipe, prepared with care, is always able to get a great shot. A tasty Newstead espresso shot pairs really well with all kinds of milk, but a good rich full cream is my favourite.
Brooke - Community Manager, Industry Beans Fitzroy
I’ve been loving Tade GG from Ethiopia at the moment, I brew up a batch brew on my Moccamaster each morning and it has been delightful! I’m generally a washed process fan for my filter coffees, and this one is no exception, with lots of fruity sweetness in each cup (hello notes of guava - yum).
Steve Simmons - Co-Founder, Industry Beans
I’ve been enjoying our original house blend in Fitzroy – the Fitzroy Street Blend – recently. While we all get super excited (and rightly so!) about the fresh crop single origins and limited release seasonal blends, I find I am regularly drawn back to Fitzroy Street Blend as a favourite of mine. This blend has evolved over the years as we’ve developed our sourcing relationships and strived every year to improve. I’m particularly proud and excited about the coffee from Burundi that makes up a third of this blend. The Akawa project is at the forefront of Burundi specialty coffee and we have been immensely proud of our ability to support a great initiative.
In addition to regular cupping of this coffee, as part of my routine checks on quality I try the Fitzroy Street Blend in a flat white, as well as sampling it as a double ristretto extraction. I’m looking for the balance of acidity, sweetness, flavour and body – and the absence of bitterness – to ensure a well rounded experience.
Pedro - Cafe Manager, Industry Beans Lt. Collins
At the moment I’m loving our Sparkling Cold Brew on ice or with Tonic water and Lime, incredibly refreshing for warmer days.
Olmer - Head of Coffee, Industry Beans Fitzroy
At the moment at home I am drinking Raro Nansebo from Ethiopia and alternating between my Moccamaster Classic and Hario v60. I love this coffee for its unique Kudhume variety and its vibrant, tropical notes. As it has aged it has gone from being like a bright fruit punch to a more mellow, sweet and creamy coffee. It really is the gift that keeps giving.