Rose Street Blend
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Who will enjoy this blend
Rose Street is a satisfying, reliable everyday blend
Rose Street is a medium roast blend that hits the spot. It has great cut-through with milk, and is a strong but balanced black coffee. Rose Street has a roast intensity of 8/10, and is well-loved by coffee drinkers of all tastes.

What's in the blend
Three single origins from different countries
Mzuri, Tanzania 25%
This is a fantastic example of the high-quality specialty coffee being produced in Tanzania. We roast this coffee gently to soften its acidity and sweeten the red fruit qualities that it imparts on the blend, tying together the other components wonderfully.

Fazenda California, Brazil 50%
This coffee has undergone a double fermentation process, where cherries are left to soak overnight in 8 degree spring water before being pulped, washed and very slowly dried on raised beds. We have roasted this coffee to contribute a sweetness and nuttiness to the blend.

Okalu, PNG 25%
This lot was grown by smallholder farmers in the remote villages of Lufa and Okapa, some with as few as 20 trees. It contributes a sweetness and slight malic acidity to the blend.
